Join us for a Collective Conversation on racist policing

Stop The Scandal logo and eventbrite text saying:
July 07, Collective Conversations: Race, Policing and Stop The Scan, by Racial Justice Network and Yorkshire Resists, Free.

Hosted by the Racial Justice Network and Yorkshire Resists, this free, online collective conversation examines how racism is reinforced by police practices.

Speakers from the Stop the Scan campaign will be discussing how Policing, Hostile Environment policies, and COVID19 have affected marginalised communities; with further information about the Stop the Scan campaign.

The session will also feature a Q+A with the speakers, and action planning for how you can support the campaign within the session and beyond.

WHEN: Tuesday 7th July, 6pm-8pm


This event will take place over Zoom, joining instructions will be shared before the event. For any accessibility needs please contact us at:

Follow the campaign on twitter:  @RaceJustice and @YorksResists

Watch our campaign video for further information: